International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Deflections of Flat Plate Floors with Irregular Column Layout

Author(s): S. Teng and Tavio

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 210


Appears on pages(s): 37-64

Keywords: column strip; concrete slabs; deflection; design strip; flat plates; floors; irregular column layout; middle strip

DOI: 10.14359/12573

Date: 2/1/2003

A procedure for calculating the instantanious deflections of irregular reinforced concrete flat plate floors is presented. The method is applicable throughout the entire loading stages from the uncracked state to the fully cracked state and even up to the ultimate limit state. Based on the familiar effective moment of inertia approach, the proposed procedure also uses the ACI Direct Design Method with some generalization. The total static moment in a particular design strip will be distributed to the midspan and support sections according to the distribution coefficients of the ACI Direct Design Method, taking into account column sizes and irregularity of slab geometry around the edge slab-column connections. At high loads, the modulus of elasticity of the concrete can be reduced to better reflect the nonlinear behavior of concrete slabs. The definitions of effective span, width of design strips, torsional rigidity of transverse torsional members, and column sizes and orientations will be generalized as far as practical. The accuracy of the proposed procedure has been compared with measured deflections of two multiple-panel irregular flat plate floors tested at Nanyang Technological University - Singapore. The comparison between the calculated deflections and the experimetnal values show that the proposed procedure is reasonably accurate.



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