International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Measuring Non-Drying Bulk Shrinkage of Cement Paste and Mortar Using Archimedes' Principle

Author(s): K. S. Douglas and K. C. Hover

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 220


Appears on pages(s): 39-56

Keywords: Archimedes' principle; autogenous shrinkage; buoyancy; shrinkage; volumetric measurement

DOI: 10.14359/13148

Date: 3/1/2004

This paper evaluates a test method for measuring bulk, autogenous volume changes in cement paste and mortar. In this test method, paste and mortar were sealed in latex membranes and submerged in water. The weight of the specimens was recorded periodically, both in air and submerged in water, and their volume change was calculated using Archimedes' principle. Several sources of error in the test method were identified, and measures were taken to account for some of this error. It was concluded that the experimental error for this test may be quite substantial as the test duration increases, and therefore this test method is most suited for measuring the early age volume changes of cement paste and mortar.



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