Effectiveness Of Mineral Admxtures In Preventing Excessive Expansion Of Concrete Due To Alkaliaggregate Reaction
Leonard Pepper and Bryant Mather
Symposium Paper
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Twenty materials, representing eight different classes of mineral admixtures, were evaluated, using both chemical and mortar-bar test methods, for their effectiveness in preventing excessive expansion of concrete due to alkali-aggregate reaction. It was found that the chemical tests cannot be used with reliance to evaluate effectiveness. Each of the replacement materials evaluated will prevent excessive expansion if a sufficient quantity is used. Correlations were found between effectiveness and: fineness, dissolved silica, and percentage of alkali retained by reaction product. Five of the materials tested (a fly ash, a tuff, a calcined shale, a calcined diatomite, and an uncalcined diatomite) showed a reduction in alkalinity of 40 percent or more when tested by the quick chemical test. All of these except the fly ash met the requirement proposed by Moran and Gilliland for the relationship between reduction in alkalinity and silica solubility. Six of the materials tested (two slags, a fly ash, a pumicite, and two calcined shales) reduced mortarbar expansion at least 75 percent with high-alkali cement and Pyrex glass aggregates when used as 50, 45, 35, and 30 percent replacements of the cement. Calculations were made that suggest that the minimum quantity of each material required for effective prevention of excessive expansion ranged from 10 percent for the synthetic silica glass to 45 percent for one of the slags. By groups, these calculated minimum percentages were: calcined shales, 19 to 29; uncalcined diatomite, 22; volcanic glasses, 32 to 36; slags, 39 to 45; and fly ashes, 40 to 44. The investigation of mineral ad-mixtures as cement-replacement materials was initiated by the Office of the Chief of Engineers in 1950 as part of the Civil Works Investigations Program with the purpose of ascertaining the degree to which portland cement may be advantageously replaced by other materials, considering cost and the quality of the resulting concrete. This paper deals with that part of the investigation that was concerned with the ability of these materials to prevent excessive expansion of concrete due to alkali-aggregate reaction.