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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Performance-Based Paving Concrete Mixture Design and Optimization

Author(s): J.M. Ruiz, R.O. Rasmussen, and M. Simon

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 228


Appears on pages(s): 971-990

Keywords: durability; gradation; HIPERPAV; mechanistic; mixture design; mixture proportioning; optimization; performance; strength; workability

DOI: 10.14359/14516

Date: 6/1/2005

This paper describes an approach used in developing a performance-based mixture design and optimization system for paving concrete. This system is being developed as part of a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) project entitled “Computer-Based Guidelines for Job-Specific Optimization of Paving Concrete.” In this project, a new method of designing and optimizing concrete mixtures for pavement applications is being developed. The procedure includes two key elements: a knowledge base and mixture optimization routines. The former assists the user in selecting mixture design criteria based on site-specific conditions. It also allows for the user to quickly identify what combinations of concrete-making materials may be a starting-point for their site-specific conditions. The second element allows the user to optimize numerous properties of their concrete mixture including: w/cm ratio, cement content, the use of chemical and mineral admixtures, and gradation of aggregates. The optimization can be based on a variety of targets including cost, strength, workability, durability, and numerous other concrete mixture properties – both fundamental and phenomenological. Overall optimization of the selected targets is achieved using concepts of utility theory. When combined, these methods represent a rational approach to quantifying subjective decision-making criteria that is used in finding the optimum concrete mixture for specific conditions.