International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: An Innovative Hybrid FRP-ConcreteBridge System

Author(s): M. Elbadry, H. Abe, K. Schonknecht, and T. Yoshioka

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 230


Appears on pages(s): 1-20

Keywords: bridges; concrete-filled tubes; corrosion-free; deck slab;durability; fiber-reinforced polymers; headed studs; innovative;prestressing; truss girder

DOI: 10.14359/14822

Date: 10/1/2005

An innovative corrosion-free system for short- and medium-span bridgesconsisting of precast prestressed concrete truss girders and cast-in-situ concrete deckhas been developed. Advantages of the new system include reduced self-weight andenhanced durability. The girders consist of top and bottom concrete flanges connectedby precast vertical and diagonal members made of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) tubesfilled with concrete. Glass FRP dowels and corrosion-resistant steel stud reinforcementare used, respectively, to connect the vertical and diagonal members to the concreteflanges. The flanges are pretentioned with carbon FRP tendons. The deck slab isreinforced with corrosion-resistant steel bars in the bottom transverse layer and withglass FRP bars in the bottom longitudinal and the top layers. The girders may be post-tensioned with external carbon FRP tendons to balance the slab weight and to providecontinuity in multi-span bridges. The general details of the system and an experimentalevaluation of its critical components, namely, the FRP tubes and the truss connection,are presented. Three types of FRP tube and four types of connection are investigated.The results of testing eight connection specimens under static loading are presented.The tests have shown superior performance of the connection when filament woundtubes and continuous double-headed studs are used.



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