International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Tensile Capacities of CFRP Anchors

Author(s): G. Ozdemir and U. Akyuz

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 230


Appears on pages(s): 39-56

Keywords: adhesive anchor; carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP);CFRP anchor; strengthening

DOI: 10.14359/14824

Date: 10/1/2005

During major earthquakes, buildings which have inadequate lateral strengthmay be subjected to severe damage or total collapse. To prevent such failures,buildings that are vulnerable against earthquakes must be strengthened. In reinforcedconcrete buildings inserting adequate amount of reinforced concrete infills is aneffective strengthening technique. Another promising technique is to strengthen theexisting hollow clay tile infill with diagonally placed CFRP sheets. In this technique,CFRP sheets are extended to the frame members. The connection between CFRP sheetsand frame members is provided by CFRP anchors. In this strengthening technique, theeffectiveness is dictated by the CFRP anchors. In this study, by means of the preparedtest setup, the pull-out strength capacities of CFRP anchors are measured. The effectsof concrete compressive strength, anchor embedment depth, anchor hole diameter,and number of fibers (CFRP sheet width) on the tensile strength capacity of CFRPanchors were studied.



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