International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Modelling of Debonding Failures in FRP-Strengthened Two-Way Slabs

Author(s): W.E. El Sayed, U.A. Ebead, and K.W. Neale

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 230


Appears on pages(s): 461-480

Keywords: bond-slip model; debonding; FRP composites; interfacialbehaviour; two-way slabs

DOI: 10.14359/14848

Date: 10/1/2005

With the development of the technology of strengthening existing concretestructures using externally bonded FRP composites, a number of issues related to thestructural behaviour of such structures require investigation. One of the most importantissues is the interfacial behaviour between the FRP composite and the concrete as thisoften controls the failure mode of the strengthened member. Several studies haveprogressed on the development of appropriate interfacial behaviour (bond–slip)models and on understanding the debonding phenomena. This work focuses on thenumerical modelling of FRP-strengthened two-way reinforced concrete slabs where thepredominant mode of failure is debonding at the FRP-concrete interface. An appropriatefinite element model that represents the interfacial behaviour for FRP-strengthenedtwo-way slabs is presented. The proposed model successfully simulates the differentflexural failure modes, particularly those related to the debonding of the FRP sheets.The ultimate load carrying capacity and load–deflection relationships are predictedwith reasonable accuracy.



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