International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Effect of Extra-Fine Slag Replacement on Carbonation and Frost Salt Scaling Resistance of Mortars

Author(s): O. Copuroglu, A. Fraaij, E. Schlangen, and J. Bijen

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 234


Appears on pages(s): 111-126

Keywords: blast-furnace slag; carbonation; durability; frost salt scaling; microstructure

DOI: 10.14359/15932

Date: 3/22/2006

In this paper the results of an investigation into the frost salt scaling resistance of cement mortars bearing extra-fine slag (EFS) with Blaine fineness of 500 kg/m2 is reported. The water to cement ratio of the mortar specimens is kept as 0.45. EFS was used as a replacing material for both European CEM III /B blast furnace slag cement and CEM I normal portland cement. Within the framework of this study, the carbonation resistance and pore structure of the cement mortars are also studied. Carbonation resistance is measured by phenolphthalein method after accelerated carbonation test in 3% CO2 chamber. Pore structures of the samples are evaluated by means of mercury intrusion porosimetry. The microstructures of the samples are further characterized by environmental electron microscope. It appears that EFS replacement in CEM III /B and CEM I decreases the frost salt scaling durability of mortars.



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