International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Swedish R & D Program on High-Performance Concrete

Author(s): L. Elfgren, G. Fagerlund, and A. Skarendahl

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 159


Appears on pages(s): 247-262

Keywords: Bonding; compression; corrosion; cracking (fracturing); curing; deformation; dynamic loads; fire resistance; fracture properties; mixing; freeze thaw durability; high-performance concretes; microstructure; mix proportioning; placing; toughness; General

DOI: 10.14359/1599

Date: 2/1/1996

A consortium of six companies and two governmental research funding organizations are carrying out a six-year research and development program on high performance concrete in Sweden. In mid-94, half the program time was completed. The program focused on research directed towards the understanding of mechanisms and subsequent modeling and experimental verification. It also included application and oriented research aiming at the establishment of technical relationships. This should further lead to practical recommendations and guidance for use in specific projects or product and process development within the industry. The program was divided into 17 different subprojects that were grouped under the headings of materials, production technique, and structures. The fields of research were selected following an evaluation of the possibilities offered by dense, low w/c ratio cementitious systems in improving performance, but at the same time the potential risks when using these systems were addressed. An evaluation on possible application areas resulted in the study of certain aspects of structural behavior. The research was carried out at eight different research entities in Sweden as well as by research and development personnel from the consortium participants. The work was done in laboratories as well as in situ.



  • The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.