International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Effect of Moist Curing and Modifier Content on Performance in Freezing and Thawing of Two Latex-Modified Concretes

Author(s): C. M. Newston and D. J. Janssen

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 148


Appears on pages(s): 317-332

Keywords: air entrainment; compressive strength; freeze-thaw durability; latex; moist curing; scaling; superplasticizers; Materials Research

DOI: 10.14359/16770

Date: 9/1/1994

Two different types of latex modifier were used to determine how curing conditions and latex-modifier content influenced compressive strength and durability. Freeze-thaw resistance in the presence of a 2.5 percent NaCl solution was evaluated by measuring both relative dynamic modulus and mass of scaled material. While all specimens were 14 days old at the start of testing, compressive strength increased as the period of initial wet-curing increased, durability factor values (ASTM C 666) were insensitive to the period of initial wet-curing, and scaling resistance was improved by increasing the wet-curing time. The air-void system, described by the spacing factor, was found to have a greater influence on durability and scaling than either latex-modifier content or duration of wet cure. A control mix made using a high-range water-reducing admixture (HRWRA) was used as a basis of comparison.



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