International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Design Considerations for Dynamically Loaded Equipment Foundations

Author(s): A. Harry Karabinis and Timothy J. Fowler

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 78


Appears on pages(s): 61-78

Keywords: amplitude; damping; dynamic loads; dynamic structural analysis; foundations; machine bases; structural design; vibration.

DOI: 10.14359/16905

Date: 1/1/1982

The design of foundations to support large items of mechanical equipment is becoming increasingly important. In many industrial environments the consequences of vibration are severe. For example, sensitive processes can be rendered inoperable, process and mechanical equipment can be damaged, and work conditions can become intolerable. This paper reviews the design and performance of a number of equipment foundations subjected to dynamic loads. The case histories presented typify the types of foundations and dynamic loads commonly encountered in industrial environments. Included are both mat and piled footings, and foundations supported on drilled piers. Fans and compressors are representative of the types of equipment discussed. It is the intent of this paper to present guide- lines for the design of equipment foundations where dynamic loads are involved. The paper reviews the various analytical approaches available to the designer, and those factors which influence the development and choice of a suitable analytical model. Primary emphasis is placed on the development of nonresonant designs. Other topics presented include, limits placed on displacement amplitudes, damping, the effects of foundation geometry and mass distribution, and allowable soil bearing pressures.



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