International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Combating Sulfate Attack in Corps of Engineers Concrete Construction

Author(s): Thomas J. Reading

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 47


Appears on pages(s): 343-366

Keywords: acid resistance; aggregates; compressive strengh; concrete construction; concrete dams; concretes; corrosion; deterioration; durability; ground water; mass concrete; mix proportioning; portland cements; sulfate attack; sulfate soils; sulfates

DOI: 10.14359/17618

Date: 1/1/1975

The 6 Missouri River dams constructed by the Corps of Engineers are in a region where the ground water has a high sulfate content. The concentration is highest at Ft. Peck, Oahe, and Big Bend. The problem was recognized at the time of construction of Ft. Peck Dam in the mid-30s, and this is perhaps the first major project in the U.S. where a sulfate reistant cement was specified. . .An up-to-date evaluation of the condition of the Ft. Peck concrete is advisable.



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