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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Effect of Advanced Hybrid Admixture on High Strength Concrete

Author(s): K. Saito , M. Kinoshita , K. Okada, and T. Nawa

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 239


Appears on pages(s): 471-486

Keywords: admixture; autogenous shrinkage; high strength concrete; hybrid; polycarboxylate; shrinkage reducing agent; viscosity

DOI: 10.14359/18397

Date: 10/1/2006

One-pack hybrid admixture (HSP) combining high fluidity, viscosity-reducing property, and shrinkage-reducing capability for high strength concrete with a target strength of 60 to 150 MPa was developed and examined. HSP showed high fluidity and viscosity-reducing performance, as well as excellent autogenous shrinkage-reducing effect to achieve a reduction in the autogenous shrinkage of 21 to 44% with respect to that of concrete containing a conventional high-range water-reducing admixture. HSP was therefore found to be a simple and effective solution to shrinkage problems for a wide range of high strength concretes.