Pavement Repairs with Metallic Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete: Laboratory and Field Studies of Durability
J. L. Granju, M. Pigeon, F. Grandhaie, and N. Banthia
Symposium Paper
Appears on pages(s):
durability; fiber reinforced concretes; field tests; glass fibers; metal fibers; mixing; pavements; repairs; ultrasonic tests; Materials Research
The work described in this paper is part of a research program aimed at quantifying and, if possible, modelizing, the contribution of metallic glass fibers to the durability of thin concrete repairs (about 5 cm) cast on horizontal surfaces. The tests that have been carried out up to now on fresh concrete overlays (0 to 24 hr) indicate that metallic glass fibers can decrease the magnitude of swelling during the first hours after casting. The tests carried out on hardened concrete overlays (on composite specimens kept under Toulouse natural climatic conditions) indicate significant differences between fiber reinforced concrete overlays and plain concrete overlays. Replicas examined with a scanning electron microscope show that microcracks near the interface between the overlay and the base concrete are less numerous when fiber reinforced concrete is used as a repair material instead of plain concrete. Ultrasonic pulse velocity test results are in agreement with these microscopic examinations. A field experiment was also carried out in Quebec, Canada. This experiment proved that normal mixing procedures are sufficient to disperse these fibers if a proper mixing sequence is used (no balling problems occurred). In spite of correct curing conditions, cracks developed after only 2 weeks in the plain concrete overlays, but the fiber concrete overlays are still uncracked after more than 6 months of exposure.