International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Fast-Track Construction with Slag Cement Concrete: Adiabatic Strength Development and Strength Prediction

Author(s): Stephanie J. Barnett, Marios N. Soutsos, John H. Bungey, and Steve G. Millard

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 104

Issue: 4

Appears on pages(s): 388-396

Keywords: early age; fast-track construction; slag cement; strength

DOI: 10.14359/18828

Date: 7/1/2007

The early-age strength development of concrete containing slag cement has been investigated to give guidance for its use in fasttrack construction. Measurements of temperature rise under adiabatic conditions have shown that high levels of slag cement— for example, 70% of the total binder—are required to obtain a significant reduction in the peak temperature rise. Despite these temperature rises being lower than those for portland cement mixtures, however, the early-age strength under adiabatic conditions of slag cement concrete can be as high as 250% of the strength of companion cubes cured at 20 °C (68 °F). The maturity and, hence, strength development were calculated from the adiabatic temperature histories based on several maturity functions available in the literature. The predicted strength development with age was compared with the experimental results. Maturity functions that take into account the lower ultimate strengths obtained at elevated curing temperatures were found to be better at predicting the strength development.


Electronic Materials Journal



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