Textile-Reinforced Concrete for Flexural Strengthening of RC-Structures-Part 1: Structural Behavior and Design Model
A. Bösche, F. Jesse, R. Ortlepp, S. Weiland, and M. Curbach
Symposium Paper
Appears on pages(s):
bond; fiber; reinforced concrete; strengthening; textile-reinforced concrete
The use of technical textiles to reinforce concrete (i.e., textile reinforced concrete [TRC]) extends into entirely new areas of application. The thick concrete covers, as required for steel reinforced concrete, are no longer needed due to the corrosion resistance of textile materials. Slender structural members with thicknesses as small as 10 mm (appr. 4 in.) are possible. Additional characteristic features of textile reinforcement include two-dimensional planar characteristics, as well as ease of deformability and adaptability to complex and curved geometries. This can be exemplified by a pedestrian bridge built of TRC [1, 2, 3]. Various geometric forms, such as slabs, beams, T-beams, shells, and columns can easily be strengthened using TRC [4, 5].
Dimensioning of elements and structures using TRC requires detailed knowledge of the load-bearing behavior of this composite material. Indeed, such behavior resembles that of steel reinforced concrete; however, this behavior is more heavily influenced by the bond between the textile reinforcement and the fine concrete, as well as the bond between filaments within the textile reinforcement [6].
Minimal thicknesses also make it possible to strengthen existing concrete structures using TRC. Such strengthening increases both the ultimate load bearing capacity, as well as the serviceability, of the structure. Experimental results of strengthened slabs and beams, as well as a design model for flexural strengthening, is presented in this paper.