International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Steel Fiber Reinforced Wet-Mix Shotcrete: Influence of Diber Geometry

Author(s): Nemkumar Banthia, Jean-Francois Trottier, Denis Beaupre, and David Wood

Publication: Concrete International

Volume: 16

Issue: 6

Appears on pages(s): 27-32

Keywords: absorption; ductility; fiber reinforced concrete; fibers; rebound; shotcrete; Materials Research


Date: 6/1/1994

Five commercially available steel fibers with different geometries were investigated in wet-mix shotcrete. Concrete mixes were centrally mixed in a batching plant and then transported to the shooting site in ready-mix trucks. After determining the various fresh concrete properties, the mixes were shot on formerly prepared wooden forms. The rebound characteristics were determined separately by shooting in a rebound chamber built specifically for the purpose. Once hardened, shotcrete panels were sawed and cored to obtain beam specimens for flexural toughness tests and cylinders for compression tests. Hardened shotcrete specimens were also tested for boiled absorption and permeable voids. In the fresh state, the addition of fibers to shotcrete mixes did not cause any handling difficulties and the mixes were reasonably workable. The boiled absorption and permeable voids data indicated that an adequately dense in-place shotcrete was obtained. In addition, the rebound of fibers during shooting was found to be low. Both compressive and flexural strengths were found to be improved due to the addition of fibers. Fibers also led to a significant enhancement in the ductility (toughness) of shotcrete.



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