International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Durability of Concrete Using Air-Classified Fly Ash

Author(s): M. Ishil, K. Ukita, and K. Kohno

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 145


Appears on pages(s): 985-1002

Keywords: admixtures; air entrainment; concretes; diffusion; durability; fly ash; freeze-thaw durability; permeability; porosity; pozzolans; silica fume; x-ray diffraction; Materials Research

DOI: 10.14359/4423

Date: 5/1/1994

In this study, results are reported on classified fly ash with a maximum particle diameter of 10 m. Durability of concrete with this fly ash has been verified experimentally. Silica fume, which is well known for its improvement of concrete durability, was used as the basis of comparison. Durability tests included water permeability, freeze-thaw resistance, air-void spacing factor, pore size distribution, and pozzolanic activity. Based on the experimental results, remarkable reduction of the water diffusion coefficient, enhancement of freeze-thaw resistance, densification of air-void structure, increase of noncrystalline products, and other features were noted, and it was determined that classified fly ash is an effective admixture that contributes to the improvement of concrete durability.



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