International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Physico-chemical deformations of solidifying cementitious systems: multiscale modelling

Author(s): F. Grondin, M. Bouasker, P. Mounanga, A. Khelidj, A. Perronnet

Publication: RILEM

Volume: 43

Issue: 1

Appears on pages(s): 151-165

Keywords: Multiscale modelling, Self-desiccation shrinkage, >Cementitious materials, Early-Age


Date: 12/1/2009

At early stages of hydration and in autogenous conditions (no mass transfer with the outside), solidifying cementitious systems exhibit dimensional variations following two main processes: Le Chatelier contraction (also called chemical shrinkage) and self-desiccation shrinkage causing autogenous shrinkage. Chemical shrinkage results from the difference between the specific volumes of reactants (anhydrous cement and water) and hydration products. Early-age autogenous shrinkage is generally attributed to the development of a negative capillary pressure in the porous network related to the water consumption by the hydration reactions. If restrained, deformations associated to these shrinkages can induce the development of internal stresses high enough to generate cracking of the hardening material. The purpose of this study is to propose a multiscale approach to model the rate of self-desiccation shrinkage of cementitious materials at very early-age, between 0 and 48 h. Within the first hours, Le Chatelier contraction is computed from a formulation suggested in a later work which is based on the chemical equations of hydration and the specific volume of each phase. Then, when the setting of the cement paste takes place, the autogenous shrinkage is calculated according to the evolution of the capillary pressure and the stiffness of the cement paste. The stiffness is calculated by applying a classical homogenization method. Computed results are discussed and analyzed. Good agreements between experiments and simulations are achieved and a sensitivity study is performed to assess the influence of the cement fineness and the aggregate volume fraction on early-age autogenous strain.

International union of laboratories and experts in construction materials, systems and structures, International Partner Access

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