International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Assessment of fibre orientation in ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete and its effect on flexural strength

Author(s): Stephanie Barnett, Jean-Francois Lataste, Tony Perry, Steve Milard, Marios Jean-Francois

Publication: RILEM

Volume: 43

Issue: 7

Appears on pages(s): 1009-1023

Keywords: Electrical resistivity, Fibre orientation and distribution, Flexural strength, Ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete


Date: 7/1/2010

Fibre distribution and orientation in a series of round panel specimens of ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) was investigated using electrical resistivity measurements and confirmed by X-ray CT imaging. By pouring specimens in different ways, the orientation of steel fibres was influenced and the sensitivity of the electrical resistivity technique was investigated. The round panels were tested in flexure and the results are discussed in relation to the observed orientation of fibres in the panels. It was found that the fibres tended to align perpendicular to the direction of flow. As a result, panels poured from the centre were significantly stronger than panels poured by other methods because the alignment of fibres led to more fibres bridging the radial cracks formed during mechanical testing.

International union of laboratories and experts in construction materials, systems and structures, International Partner Access

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