Solving Problems Of Chloride Induced Corrosion In Marine Structures - Stainless Steel Reinforcing
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There is nothing new about the use of stainless steel in the general construction industry. Its performance, particularly in hostile environments is well known and documented. Why then is the industry not embracing a solution that truly works? The answers lie in the attitude of our throwaway society. Clearly, the attitude has been to make our structures for the lowest possible price and let the owner worry about the maintenance cost sometime in the future, usually the very near future. Now owners and governments, Local State and Federal, are demanding extended lifecycles of up to 100years with minimal maintenance. Worldwide, the trend is toward the use of stainless steel reinforcing to achieve these extended lifecycles. The new design manual for roads and bridges released in February 2002 by the British Highways Agency allows designers and specifiers to design using reduced concrete covers to 30mm and crack widths of 0.3mm when incorporating stainless steel in their design. This paper will address all aspects of using stainless steel reinforcing including, the properties of stainless steel and the correct grade selection for marine applications. Life cycle costing examples using both European and Australian completed projects will be given as well as practical information on the handling and welding of stainless steel on the job site, and details of how to successfully design using stainless steel reinforcing.