International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Experimental Study on Cracking and Leakage in RC Walls under Cyclic Loading

Author(s): R. Sadjadi and R. Kianoush

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 284


Appears on pages(s): 1-20

Keywords: cracking, cyclic loading, leakage, liquid containing, reinforced concrete, seismic, tank, water pressure

DOI: 10.14359/51683805

Date: 3/1/2012

Continual functioning of Liquid Containing Structures “LCS” is necessary for the well being of a society during and after an earthquake. While the seismic design criteria for buildings are primarily based on life safety and prevention of collapse, concrete storage tanks should be designed to meet the serviceability limits such as leakage. This study was aimed at evaluation of the leakage behavior of ground supported open top rectangular RC tanks under the effects of cyclic loading. Full-scale specimens representing a cantilever wall were designed and built to simulate leakage through the most critical region of the tank wall. A steel water pressure chamber was installed at the wall foundation connection region to simulate the effect of the water pressure on the induced cracks at the critical location of the tank wall. Cyclic loading was applied at top of the wall while the critical region of the wall was subjected to pressurized water. This study is limited to rectangular tanks in which the wall dimensions promote one-way behavior. It is concluded that in order for leakage to occur, the strain in the reinforcement at both faces of the wall need to be close to the yield level.



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