International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: 544.9R-17: Report on Measuring Mechanical Properties of Hardened Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

Author(s): ACI Committee 544

Publication: Technical Documents



Appears on pages(s):

Keywords: compressive strength; fiber pullout; fiber-reinforced concrete; flexural fatigue resistance; flexural strength; impact resistance; multiaxial behavior; shear and torsion; tensile strength; toughness.


Date: 1/30/2017


This report provides a synopsis of the existing testing methodologies for the determination of mechanical properties of hardened fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC). This report applies to the mechanical properties of conventionally mixed and placed FRC, including fiber-reinforced self-consolidating concrete (FRSCC), or fiber-reinforced shotcrete (FRS) using steel, glass, polymeric, and natural fibers.

The objective is to enable manufacturers to characterize the mechanical properties of hardened FRC and encourage researchers and testing laboratories to adopt common and unified test methods to build a meaningful database of mechanical properties of hardened FRC materials and products. Test results from the test procedures used in this report are not intended for the design of FRC structures, but to gain a better understanding of factors influencing the determination of their mechanical properties and of FRCs and FRC products.



  • The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.