International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Incorrect Air Void Parameters in Fly Ash Concretes

Author(s): Aneta Nowak-Michta

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 114

Issue: 3

Appears on pages(s): 365-374

Keywords: air-entrained concrete; air entrainment; air void analysis; air void parameters; fly ash; loss on ignition

DOI: 10.14359/51689675

Date: 5/1/2017

The influence of fly ash on air void systems in hardened concretes is analyzed in the paper. The tests of air voids characteristics in hardened concretes were conducted on an air void analyzer. The tests were performed on 56 non-air-entrained and air-entrained fly ash concretes with varied losses on ignition, percentages of cement replacement with fly ash, and water-cementitious materials ratio (w/cm). The results show that the total content of air in airentrained concretes with fly ash addition equals the sum of air content coming from air entrainment and the pores in grains of fly ashes. The analysis of the tests results showed that the air-void parameters are disturbed by fly ash. The paper includes a multistep procedure for the explanation why and how fly ash affects the air-void parameters in the hardened concretes. On this basis, it has been proved that the total air content in hardened concretes with fly ash is the sum of the contents of air voids and the pores contained in the grains of fly ash.


Electronic Materials Journal



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