International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: A Model to Predict the Crack Width of FRC Members Reinforced with Longitudinal Bars

Author(s): J.A.O. Barros, M. Taheri, H. Salehian

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 319


Appears on pages(s): 2.1-2.16

Keywords: Crack width, fiber reinforced concrete (FRC), flexural elements, reinforced FRC elements

DOI: 10.14359/51700851

Date: 6/1/2017

A hybrid analytical/numerical approach for the evaluation of the moment-rotation behavior of a cross section of fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) elements flexurally reinforced with longitudinal bars is briefly described. This model is applied to FRC elements failing in bending, and considers the constitutive laws of the constituent materials, where a special focus on the simulation of the post-cracking tensile behavior of FRC was given, as well as the bond behavior between flexural reinforcement and surrounding FRC. The predictive performance of the proposed model is assessed by simulating experimentally tested FRC beams of different geometry, fiber content, and longitudinal reinforcement ratio. Furthermore, the predictive performance of RILEM TC 162 TDF and fib Model Code 2010 design guidelines for the prediction of the crack width in FRC elements failing in bending is also discussed in the present work. The potentiality of the developed model is then explored for the assessment of the influence of toughness classes of FRC and the bond stiffness between flexural reinforcement and surrounding FRC on the moment-crack opening response of FRC flexural members.



  • The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.