International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Finite Element Analysis of RC Flat Slabs with Different Amount and Placement of Shear Bolts

Author(s): Aikaterini S. Genikomsou and Maria A. Polak

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 321


Appears on pages(s): 6.1-6.20

Keywords: concrete damaged plasticity model; finite element analysis; punching shear; reinforced concrete slabs; shear bolts; parametric studies; design codes.

DOI: 10.14359/51701193

Date: 9/29/2017

Three-dimensional (3-D) finite element analysis (FEA) is considered to examine previously tested and analyzed under static loading reinforced concrete slabs using the FEA software ABAQUS. Four interior reinforced concrete slab-column connections are presented; one slab is without shear reinforcement (SB1) and the other slabs are with shear bolts (SB2, SB3 and SB4) which differ in the amount of the shear bolts. The coupled plasticity damaged model previously calibrated is considered for modeling the concrete. In this research, parametric studies are presented considering different amount and placement of the shear bolts. The adopted FEA model is used to analyze and investigate the failure modes and loads and the crack patterns of the shear reinforced slab-column connections. Finally, the numerical results obtained from the parametric studies are compared to the current design code predictions.



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