International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Proposed amendment of concrete durability criteria in Eurocode 2

Author(s): Andrade, C.; Martínez, R.; Sanjuán, M. A.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 65

Issue: 272

Appears on pages(s): 133 - 140

Keywords: Durability; Concrete; Batching; Models; Resistance


Date: 1/3/2014

The CEN/TC 250/SC2 and TC104/SC1 Committees have established a Joint Working Group, JWG TC250/TC104, in order to review all the durability aspects related to durability in Eurocode 2 concrete structures" and EN 206-1 "concrete" standard. This JWG has studied the possibility of classifying concrete, not only by mechanical strength, but also by durability. This JWG has proposed that this classification be based on a direct test of carbonation or chloride resistance, which would oblige to make these types of tests routine in the future. As an alternative, the Spanish Mirror group has proposed to make this classification first by concrete mix proportioning as it is currently made and, in order to advance to a performance-based approach, by an indirect test (Durability Indicator). In present paper, the Spanish proposal is described and compared to that presented in the JWG. Advantages and disadvantages of both proposals are discussed and two Tables are presented that summarize what has been submitted by the AENOR CTN-140/SC2 for the revision of Chapter 4 of the Eurocode 2."

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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