International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Mérida town river crossing-bridge over the Guadiana

Author(s): Bofill de la Cierva, J.E.; Mateos Hernández-Briz, J.J.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 45

Issue: 194

Appears on pages(s): 91 - 98



Date: 1/10/1994

The bridge, located close to the town center, structurally speaking is a seve-span continuous bridge, free of which are approach spans at either end and one center span 189 m in length. The topology of the bridge approach spans is that of a copntinuous span post-tensioned concrete frame. The central span hanging from a trust or braced arch is joined to this spans in an uninterruped conection and uses its own post-tensioned bridge deck as a horizontal tie bar. The bridge deck on the central span is hunged on 23 pairs of steel-wire road suspension cables sheathed in stainles stell tubing and having their active anchorage in the bridge deck below the pedestrian footwalk. Cross-sectionally the bridge is made up of a stiffening concrete box girder on which the pedestrian footwalk is laid. The carriageways are situated on lateral cantilevers joined to the box girder.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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