International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Construction material databases: prefabricated estructural elements and the technical cards

Author(s): Amat i Tarruella, J.; Trepat i Felip, F.X.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 47

Issue: 199

Appears on pages(s): 53 - 58



Date: 1/1/1996

Technical information consultations are being performed more and more by means of computer processing. The usefulness of the programs and services depends on the data structure. Since 1966, Spain has had a well structured database, on paper, for structural elements of floors and roofs: these are the Technical Characteristics Cards of the Authorization for Use. These Cards have been adapted as the Instructions have changed, but they are still insufficient to evaluate all the aspects dealt with in them. It has been proposed to adapt the Cards to the next EF code; the EH and the EP codes have also been considered, as well as the European standard for some aspects, mainly the EC-2. The proposal is justified with reference to the articles of the codes which affect the Technical Cards.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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