International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Strengthening of concrete structures with advanced composite material (CFRP). Application in "Drago" bridge, Barcelona

Author(s): Gomez Pulido, M.D.; Sobrino Almunia, J.A.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 49

Issue: 210

Appears on pages(s): 55 - 72



Date: 1/8/1998

Strengthening of concrete structures with CFRP laminates is discussed in this paper as an alternative process to conventional methods (prized in Construmet 97). Tradicional designs are compared to the proposed one in costs, speed and workability. The latter one has proven many advantages and has been applied to the "Drago" bridge in Barcelona (first application in Spain). A detailed structural analysis has proven the ductile behaviour of the sectional response (despite the perfect linear elastic behaviour of advanced composite materials), but also within the concrete surface/CFRP laminate joint (this was achieved thanks to the epoxi resin bridging both materials).

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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