International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: A new method for rehabilitating caps on girder bridges. Application to La Jarosa Viaduct

Author(s): Peset González, L.; Álvarez Andrés, J. J.; Sopeña Corvinos, L.; Aparicio García, J.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 63

Issue: 266

Appears on pages(s): 30-Jul

Keywords: durability, prestressing bar, prestressing strands, replacement, rehabilitation, self-compacting concrete, widening.


Date: 1/8/2012

On the occasion of the widening and rehabilitation of the La Jarosa viaduct (Madrid, Spain) a new advantageous system for the rehabilitation of pier caps on beam bridges has been developed. This structure had a considerable degradation due to reinforcement corrosion. Furthermore, the structure must be widened, so a huge repair and widening operation was undertaken. The biggest problem was the enlargement and repair of pier caps, hammer caps in precarious situation due to advanced corrosion in which the loads would be increased. Instead of strengthening, enlarging and repairing them, it has been implemented a new system of new caps hung with a structural arrangement that releases the existing caps from their bending moments. Additionally, this method allows operations with minimal traffic disruption and tight deadlines.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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