International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Remarks relating to the quality control of the reinforced concrete structures, according to the EH-91

Author(s): Sirvent Casanova, I.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 42

Issue: 181

Appears on pages(s): 79 - 92



Date: 1/8/1991

Always that it takes place a re-edition of the Code, multitude of spontaneous remarks arise on this matter. I don't want to be less and, since my professional activity is essentially developed about the quality control of the reinforced concrete structures, I have decided to expose some observations in relation with articles regarding this subject. I think that the spanish Code, in broad outline, it is a good Code from the point of view of technical content. However, if it should had a better wording it would help us to undertand and to interpret correctly some paragraphes that are confused. I refer specifically to the related with control of the steel. The remarks that I include, with respect but without reserves, refer, rather than criticism, to personal criterions and viewpoints, with the aim that some concepts will be included in further editions.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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