International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Axial–Flexural Interaction in FRP-Wrapped RC Columns

Author(s): Hanan Suliman Al-Nimry and Rabi Amer Al-Rabadi

Publication: IJCSM

Volume: 13


Appears on pages(s):

Keywords: reinforced concrete, circular columns, FRP wrapping, CFRP, confinement, axial–flexural interaction, toughness, deformation capacity, ductility

DOI: 10.1186/s40069-019-0366-8

Date: 11/30/2019

The study reported herein aims at investigating the behavior of medium-scale circular reinforced concrete columnswrapped with fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) sheets under concentric and eccentric axial loads. The experimentalprogram was devised to assess the effects of loading conditions, absence/presence of an FRP jacket as well as the FRPwrapping system. To achieve the study objectives, four column groups were tested under axial compression at 0, 25,50 and 65 mm loading eccentricities corresponding to eccentricity-to-diameter ratios of 0, 0.13, 0.26 and 0.34, respectively. Specimens in a fifth group were tested in pure bending simulating axial compression at infinite loading eccentricities. Three column subcategories were tested under each of the 5 loading eccentricities: unwrapped; wrappedwith one ply of hoop FRP sheets; and wrapped with two FRP plies with fibers oriented at 0 and 90° to the longitudinalcolumn axis thereby providing externally-bonded longitudinal reinforcement and hoop confinement, respectively. Tests confirmed that FRP confinement enhances the axial–flexural column resistance even at large eccentricitiesthat exceed the balanced state of unconfined columns. Although axial column resistance decreased with increasingbending moments, relative enhancements (25–35%) in axial resistance provided by FRP confinement were found tobe more significant under eccentric loading than in pure compression. Compared to hoop FRP-confined columns,using additional longitudinal sheets resulted in minor (7–9%) but stable enhancements in axial resistance that wereunaffected by the increase in loading eccentricity. The FRP hoop wraps had a minor effect on the flexural resistanceof specimens tested in pure bending but managed to double their resistance when combined with the externallybondedlongitudinal FRP sheets. Finally, three stress–strain models of FRP-confined concrete were used in conventionalsection analysis to assess the axial–flexural interaction in the FRP-jacketed columns. Strength predictions madeusing the stress–strain model proposed in ACI 440.2R-17 design guidelines did not agree with the test results of theeccentrically-loaded columns and underestimated the moment resistance at a given axial force even when consideringhigher confinement ratios than those permitted by the guidelines. Strength predictions made using eccentricitydependentstress–strain models showed better results especially when accounting for the increase in ultimate axialstrains under eccentric loading.



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