International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: The Un-Shored Composite Slab on Metal Deck Part II, Ineffective Contract Document Requirements

Author(s): Eldon Tipping and Bryan M. Birdwell

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 338


Appears on pages(s): 65-74

Keywords: beams, deflection, girders, level, mandatory, specification, metal deck SP-338: Ward R. Malisch Concrete Construction Symposium 65

DOI: 10.14359/51724729

Date: 3/1/2020

This is the second of a three-part series, the goal of which is to provide the designer and contractor with tools necessary to produce level deflected slabs on metal deck. This second part explores the role ineffective and incorrect use of ACI and AISC documents plays in designer attempts to provide his client with level deflected slabs on metal deck. Project documents often incorrectly reference ACI guide documents such as ACI 302, attempting to make their content mandatory, when that is not intended by ACI. The ACI prohibition of using guide document content without restating in mandatory language is presented and discussed. Reference is often made in design documents to the AISC Code of Standard Practice for floor elevation when the Code is silent concerning the elevation of all elements excepting that of column base plate elevation. AISC tolerances impacting floor levelness are presented and discussed. Virtually all supporting structural steel floor framing systems are comprised of a collection of secondary members (beams) which transfer gravity loads to primary members (girders) which ultimately transfer these gravity loads to vertical elements and finally to foundations. The collection of floor framing members contains some combination of un-cambered steel beams/girders and those with fabricated camber to off-set anticipated deflection of the member when subjected to the weight of concrete. The deflection of those members will vary depending on member stiffness and the resistance of connections to end rotation. The ineffectiveness of the common designer requirement that concrete be added until “the floor is level” is presented and discussed in detail.



  • The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.