International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: The effect of synthetic aggregates on the shrinkage of mortar in the early stages of life

Author(s): Pochpagee Markpiban, Raktipong Sahamitmongkol

Publication: TCA

Volume: Vol. 7 No. 2 (2019): July-December 2019


Appears on pages(s): 26-36

Keywords: autogenous shrinkage, drying shrinkage, internal curing, synthetic lightweight aggregate


Date: 11/1/2019

This article studies the effect of synthetic lightweight aggregates on the properties of mortars. The test consists of 8 different mortars. Mixing ratio has water to binder ratio (w / b) at 0.35 and 0.50 consisting of controlled mortar. Mortar using fly ash from power plants instead of cement by 30 percent by weight of binder And synthetic lightweight aggregates instead of 45 percent sand by the volume of all fine mass Also, fly ash is used together with synthetic lightweight aggregates. Test for the flow. Autogenous contraction Overall shrinkage for samples 25x25x285 mm and compressive strength of 50x50x50 mm. Test results show that the use of synthetic aggregates as an internal curing material reduces autogene shrinkage. And in addition, that the synthetic lightweight mass increases the flow and increases the early and late formation Increase dry shrinkage And reduce the compressive strength of mortars Of samples aged 3 7 and 28 days at the rate of 6 to 23 percent

Thailand Concrete Association, International Partner Access

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