International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: ACI 376 Code Revision

Author(s): Pawski

Publication: Web Session



Appears on pages(s):



Date: 10/17/2021

ACI 376-11/376M-11 Code Requirements for Design and Construction of Concrete Structures for the Containment of Refrigerated Liquefied Gases and Commentary was adopted by ACI in November 2011 and published in August 2013. The committee had been formed in 2003 at the request of the national Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) Technical Committee 59A on liquefied natural gas (LNG) for the purpose developing a code document that could referenced by NFPA 59A for design and construction of concrete containment structures. The scope of the Code includes not just LNG, but all refrigerated liquefied gases (RLG) where concrete is used for storage and containment. Upon completion of the first edition the committee began the work of addressing the future action items from the first edition, and other changes brought before the committee. This presentation deals with: (1) the use of concrete for storage and containment, (2) changes to the 376 Code since the first edition, and (3) committee plans for future code changes and the development of code-related technical notes. Part 1: RLG storage is used for a wide variety of industrial and commercial gases where the liquid form occupies a much smaller volume, 240 to 980 times smaller depending on product type, and is 600 times smaller for LNG. Storage temperatures for these products is between +30oF for liquid butane to -320oF for liquid nitrogen, with LNG at -265oF. The challenge in designing concrete primary containers for storage and concrete secondary containers for accidental spill conditions is dealing with the effect cold product temperature under transient and stead-state conditions in conjunction with the other environmental loads such as earthquake forces. The presentation will include the types of concrete primary and secondary containers in use, design considerations, safety concerns, and the regulatory environment. Part 2: Changes to the 376 Code include among others.



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