International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Behavior of Anchor Bolts in Concrete Masonry with Lightweight Grout

Author(s): Rumi Shrestha, Hannah Kessler, Laura Redmond, and Prasad Rangaraju

Publication: Structural Journal

Volume: 120

Issue: 1

Appears on pages(s): 163-175

Keywords: anchor bolts; concrete masonry; expanded clay; expanded slate; lightweight (LW) aggregates; modification (lambda) factor

DOI: 10.14359/51737233

Date: 1/1/2023

Lightweight (LW) aggregates (LWAs) improve fire resistance, moisture resistance, and durability in addition to reducing the selfweight of concrete. However, the ACI 318 code includes a modification factor (lambda) to account for reduced tensile capacity in LW concrete. LWAs are not currently permitted for use in masonry grout due to lack of test data to establish appropriate modification factors for the TMS 402/602 code. This study is a pilot study that aims to experimentally determine how the tensile breakout and shear breakout capacity of cast-in-place bent-bar anchors in masonry assemblies with LW grout compare with the predictions of TMS 402-16 for anchors in normal weight (NW) grout, and with results in the literature for assemblies using NW grout to see if additional testing would be needed to determine a lambda factor for shear and tensile behavior of LW grout. The results indicate that a reduction factor for bent-bar anchor bolts in masonry constructed with LW grout may not be needed, but additional testing should be conducted with smaller bar diameters to demonstrate the consistency of these results across bar sizes.


Electronic Structural Journal



  • The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.