International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Effect of Calcination Temperature on Polymerized Aluminum Chloride Waste Residue Cement Mortar

Author(s): Ping Xu, Yuekang Guo, Mankui Zheng, Tianyu Chen, and Xinfeng Ren

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 121

Issue: 6

Appears on pages(s): 77-84

Keywords: activity index; calcination temperature; compressive strength; micro-morphology; polymerized aluminum chloride (PAC) waste residue; volume stabilit

DOI: 10.14359/51743283

Date: 12/1/2024

This paper determines the effect of calcination temperature on the activity of polymerized aluminum chloride (PAC) waste residue. The effect of the calcination temperature of PAC waste residue on the compressive strength of cement mortar was studied using the slurry substitution method. The compressive strength data of cement mortar mixed with different temperatures of calcined PAC waste residue were analyzed by fitting. A compressive strength prediction model of PAC waste residue calcination temperature on the compressive strength of cement mortar can be built. The effect of PAC waste residue on the volume stability of cement mortar was also studied. The results showed that calcination increased the activity index of PAC waste residue by 5 to 10%, and 600°C was the optimal calcination temperature. Compared with the uncalcined PAC waste residue cement mortar, the calcined samples showed complete hydration, smaller micropores, and a denser overall structure. The fitting curve provided a good fit for the development of the compressive strength of cement mortar mixed with different temperatures of calcined PAC waste residue. A model of the calcination temperature of PAC waste residue on the compressive strength of cement mortar was derived based on the fitting curve. The volume stability of cement mortar mixed with PAC waste residue calcined at 600°C was improved.


Electronic Materials Journal



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