International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Studies on High-Performance High-Strength Concrete (HPHSC) Columns

Author(s): B. V. Rangan

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 186


Appears on pages(s): 745-764

Keywords: columns (supports); compressive strength; high-performance concretes; high-strength concretes; reinforced concretes; structural design

DOI: 10.14359/5589

Date: 5/1/1999

High Performance High Strength Concrete (HPHSC) has been utilized in columns and in other compression members. The author and his research team at Curtin University have conducted significant research into the behaviour and strength of HPHSC columns for the last eight years. The research comprised extensive experimental work and analytical calculations. Numerous column specimens have been tested in combined axial compression and uniaxial (single and double curvature) bending or biaxial bending. Analytical methods have been developed to predict the response and strength of test columns. Based on the research various proposals for design have been formulated. The paper describes the salient features of this research.



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