International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Evaluation of Four Short-Term Methods for Determining Chloride Penetrability in Concrete

Author(s): K. Stanish, R. D. Hooton, and M. D. A. Thomas

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 191


Appears on pages(s): 81-98

Keywords: calibration; cement content; concretes; entrained air; nuclear gage; testing; water content

DOI: 10.14359/5736

Date: 12/1/1999

The ability of concrete to resist the ingress of chlorides, whether from deicing salts or from marine exposure, is an important factor in determining the durability of a structure. Currently in North America, there are two standardized tests for determining the ability of concrete to resist chloride penetration: the 90-Day Salt Ponding Test (AASHTO T259) and the Rapid Chloride Ion Permeability Test (AASHTO T277 or ASTM C1202). These methods have significant limitations however, mainly related to their duration and their limits of applicability. A variety of other test methods have been developed over the past decade. With the support of the U.S Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), a study was undertaken to compare the more promising of these test methods and to examine their possible application as a short term test for chloride ingress, for the purpose of evaluating new mixtures and existing structures and for use as a quality control measure. Four short-term tests were conducted on eight separate concrete mixes of various qualities. The results were compared to a bulk diffusion test.



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