International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Performance of Concrete Bridge Decks and Slabs Reinforced with Epoxy-Coated Steel Under Repeated Loading

Author(s): H. 0. Hasan, D. B. Cleary and J. A. Ramirez

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 180


Appears on pages(s): 391-404

Keywords: Bond (concrete to reinforcement); crack width; coatings; concrete width; cyclic load; deflections; deformed reinforcement; epoxy resins; fatigue (materials); lap connections; splicing; structural design

DOI: 10.14359/5886

Date: 10/1/1998

This experimental study addresses the performance of reinforced concrete slabs containing epoxy-coated reinforcement subjected to high-cycle/low stress range repeated loading typical of those encountered in bridge decks. The behavior under repeated load indicated that epoxy-coated reinforcement does not significantly increase deflections despite the larger bar slip associated with wider cracks. The wider cracks do increase the potential for increased amount of corrosive agent at the level of the top mat of reinforcement in bridge decks. The average bond strength ratios of coated to uncoated specimens support a proposed single modification factor of 1.35 for specimens with low cover.



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