International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Bond of FRP Reinforcement in Concrete: A State-of-the-Art in Preparation

Author(s): R. Tepfers

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 180


Appears on pages(s): 493-504

Keywords: Bond; concrete; high-strength concrete;modulus of elasticity; Possion's ratio; reinforceing steel

DOI: 10.14359/5891

Date: 10/1/1998

The Comite Euro-International du Beton (CEB) has set up under its Commission 2 “Material and Behavior Modelling” a Task Group TG 2/5 “Bond Models” with terms of reference to write a State-of-the-Art report. Chapter 8 in the report will deal with bond of non-metallic reinforcement, FRP. The work has been started using the Japanese State-of-the-Art knowledge presented in [5]. Now research experience is added. The bond concept elaborated for steel rebars is used to interpret the action of the FRP rods/bars. The different bond influencing factors are discussed also for FRP rods/bars. Comparison is performed with steel rebars. The bond of FRP rod/bar depend on more parameters than bond of steel. Variables of interest are form of rod/bar section, type of surface deformations and treatment, modulus of elasticity, Poissons ratio etc. Therefore it is appropriate to use the known bond action of deformed steel rebars in its different stages as a reference, when investigating the bond performance of FRP rods/bars.



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