International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Detecting Cracks in the Beams and Columns of a Post-Tensioned Parking Garage Using the Impact-Echo Method

Author(s): Randall Poston and Mary Sansalone

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 168


Appears on pages(s): 199-220

Keywords: beams (supports); columns (supports); cracking (fracturing); impact tests; nondestructive tests

DOI: 10.14359/5956

Date: 4/1/1997

This paper presents both a brief explanation of the impact response of bar-like structures and an application involving the use of the impact-echo method for detecting cracks in the beams and columns of a post-tensioned parking garage structure. The information gained from the impact-echo tests was used to aid in specifying repair measures for the structure. In the process of implementing repair measures, selected impact-echo results were verified. This field study was performed in 1991. This paper was presented at the AC1 Fall Convention in 1992.



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