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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Mineralogical and Chemical Properties of Mortar Incorporating Coal Ash Produced by Fluidized Bed Combustion

Author(s): N. Shintani, T. Saitou, H. Sasaki and T. Kita

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 178


Appears on pages(s): 431-448

Keywords: admixtures; concrete; hydration.

DOI: 10.14359/5993

Date: 6/1/1998

A pressurized fluidized bed combustion thermal power plant (PFBC) is a coal-fired thermal s ecially for the enhancement ower plant developed e ficiency and generating the reduction of environmental loads. The physicochemical properties of coal ash produced from this type of power plant (PFBC ash) are different from those of ordinary fly ash, because coal is mixed with crushed limestone and burned at a lower temperature than that in the conventional power generation system. This study explores the feasibility of utilizing PFBC ash as a concrete admixture. It has been found that the coal ash from a secondary cyclone dust collector enhances the strength of concrete a though it cannot improve the fluidity. of chemical anal ses A variety why the coal as were carried out to explain the reason so produced has such effects. The fly ash obtained from a secondary cyclone dust collector was found to enhance mortar strength due to the hydration of sulfur. containing minerals such as gy sum reaction of fine-grain silica. Thus, tK and the pozzolanic concrete admixture has been verified. feasibility of using it as