International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Epoxy Modified Shotcrete

Author(s): H. Schorn

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 89


Appears on pages(s): 249-260

Keywords: compressive strength; deformation; epoxy resins; modulus of elasticity; polymer-portland cement-concrete; shot-Crete; shrinkage.

DOI: 10.14359/6252

Date: 12/1/1985

At the Ruhr-University Bochum, West Germany, experimental work has been carried out in the last three years dealing with polymer modified concrete, which is appropriate for the shotcreting process. The tests carried out are dealing with alteration of properties of both, fresh and hardened concrete, compared with a concrete of the same mix proportions, however, without any resin. Experience has shown that polymer modified concretes of different mix proportions can only be compared, if all concretes in question have the same binder volume. The binder volume consists of portland cement, water, epoxy resin and hardener. In all tests the epoxy contents were variied between 0 and 25% of the binder volume. The compressive and bending tests on hardened concrete do not only refer to strength and other mechanical data; in addition an alternating water-air-storage up to a maximum of 500 cycles was considered. These tests were extended to answer the question, if different properties of polymer and hardened cement paste do effect the formation of internal cracks due to



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