International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Static and Dynamic Elastic Modulus of Concrete as Affected by Mix Composition and Compressive Strength

Author(s): W Hansen

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 95


Appears on pages(s): 115-138

Keywords: age-strength relation; compression; compressive strength; concretes; dynamic modulus of elasticity; mix proportioning; modulus of elasticity; silica; water-cement ratio.

DOI: 10.14359/6275

Date: 10/1/1986

The effects of the following variables on the elastic modulus versus compressive strength relationship were investigated: (w/c) ratio, duration of curing, water-to-cement paste content, silica fume content, and crushed limestone versus river gravel. From a set of empirical equations the effect of paste and silica fume content may be used to predict this relationship. The results are compared to the current ACI equation ACI 318-83). The proposed equations are applicable over a strength range from approximately 500 psi to 11,000 psi. Further it was found that for the concretes investigated the static modulus can be predicted from the dynamic modulus using the resonant frequency technique. In addition the entire static modulus Venus strength relationship for each concrete can be predicted from early age (up to 3 days) measurements of dynamic modulus and compressive strength.



  • The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.