International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: A Spec Odyssey-Sulfate Resistant Concrete for the 1980's

Author(s): Edwin R. Dunstan, Jr.

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 77


Appears on pages(s): 41-62

Keywords: admi xtures; blast furnace slag; portland cement ; pozzolans; sea water; slag sulfate attack; sulfate resistance; water-c concretes; fly ash; . s; specifications; ement ratio

DOI: 10.14359/6419

Date: 10/1/1982

Webster defines odyssey in ectual wandering or quest. as an extended, adventurous, Whether or not it be possible, it has been the concrete engineer's quest to have an ideal, all-encompassing specification (spec) for concrete exposed to sulfate environments. This paper is a concept, or scenario, which attempts to provide an all-encompassing specification. A factor for sulfate resistance has been developed which incorporates several factors. These include the chemistry of the cement (C3A and C3AF contents), water to cement ratio or water to cement plus blended material ratio, the percentage of pozzolan or blended material used, and the severity of the sulfates in ground water or soil. This factor, FSR, is correlated to service life. It is predicted that a FSR of 40 as calculated herein will produce a concrete having a service life of 50 years. Constructive criticism of this concept is invited to develop this concept into an all-encompassing specification or prove that such a specification is still only an intellectual quest or odyssey.



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