International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Sulfate Resistance of Mortars Containing Superplasticizers with Fly Ash or Blast Furnace Slag

Author(s): N. P. Mailvaganam, R. S. Bhagrath, and K. L. Shaw

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 68


Appears on pages(s): 535-556

Keywords: blast furnace slag; compressive strengt -- mechanical properties; mix proportioning; mortars plasticizers; sulfate resistance; sulfate-resistin water-cement ratio. h; fly ash; (materi al) a ; g cemen ts;

DOI: 10.14359/6491

Date: 1/1/1981

The sulphate resistance of mortar lng a superplasticizer and made with blends Type 10 cement, fly ash and granulated blast slag are compared with similar mortars conta ventional water reducing admixture. Compari made with mortars made with C.S.A. Type 50 c Changes in porosity, weight, length, dynamictain- elasticity and compressive strength of the exposed to alternate soaking and ium sulphate solutions for 300 days are desc lus of specified-Interrelationship of w/c ratio, alkalinity of the medium and porosity as primary factors in sulphate attack on the cement paste were investigated. The results indicate that mixes containing a 30% replacement of normal Portland cement by fly ash or slag and a superplasticizer are comparable to mixes made from sulphate resisting cement in their capacity to resist sulphate attack. The degree of attack noted in the superplasticized mixes was significantly reduced in com-parison with mortars where a conventional water reducing admixture was used.



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