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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Experience in the Use of the Accelerated Testing Procedure for the Control of Concrete During the Construction of Tunnel “Emisor Central” in Mexico City

Author(s): Roberto Sanchez-Trejo and Lorenzo Flore-Castro

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 56


Appears on pages(s): 15-28

Keywords: ders; fresh accelerated tests; compressive strength; concretes; cylin-concrete; quality control; sampling; tunnels.

DOI: 10.14359/6493

Date: 10/1/1978

Over one million cubic meters of concrete were poured during the construction of a huge project known as Deep Drainage System designed to eliminate the risk of floods in Mexico City. The main structure of this system is a tunnel 49.8 km (30.95 miles) in length, 6.50 m (21' 4") in internal diameter, and with a 0.70 m (27 l/2") average thickness of concrete lining. The most outstanding part of the product control of concrete was carried out by testing specimens cured in boiling water (procedure B, ASTM C-684). More than 1700 samples, consisting each of four specimens, were tested. Two specimens of each sample were tested at 28 l/2 hours and two at 28 days. Functional relationships were establi the 28 day compressive strength from the 28 l/2 hour test, with very satis These relationships allowed to adjust proportions to the optimum amounts of in order to fulfill the strength requ specifications. shed for predicting the data obtained in factory results. opportunely the mix ingredient materials irements of the job