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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Specifying Tolerance Limits for Meridional Imperfections in Cooling Towers

Author(s): J. G. A. Croll and K. 0. Kemp

Publication: Journal Proceedings

Volume: 76

Issue: 1

Appears on pages(s): 139-158

Keywords: cooling towers; concrete construction; reinforced concrete; specifications; stresses; structural design; tolerances reinforcing steels; shells(structural forms).

DOI: 10.14359/6941

Date: 1/1/1979

Following the recent collapse of a cooling tower shell in Great Britain, believed to have been primarily due to the combined effects of geometric imperfections and vertical cracks, the design implications of geometric imperfections in the meridional profiles of cooling towers are reassessed. It is suggested that present and proposed tolerance recommendations are not sufficiently linked to the specific nature of the shell and its reinforcement, and if followed could result in serious overstressing. On the basis of a simplified approach to the analysis of a geometrically imperfect shell, tentative, code oriented, and rational tolerance specifications are presented. While retaining simplicity these recommendations do allow the tolerances to be related to the specific conditions which apply at any position of the "as designed" tower, and enable the complete specification of meridional tolerances prior to the commencement of construction.